The current feasibility study of GYES culminated in a Conceptual Design Review (CoDR) in order to convince the CFH and the funding agencies that the GYES experiment can be successful. This includes developing the instrument, carrying out the observations and performing the scientific analysis supporting the various identified science cases.
The final documentation of the feasibility study was submitted in early October to a review panel. The purpose was to present the aims, the specifications and the overall design and to discuss them. The goal of the CoDR was to agree on the previous points and establish whether or not the GYES team was ready to proceed to a preliminary design.
The CoDR’s collocation meeting took place at CFH’s headquarters in Waimea, Hawai’i, on October 27th and 28th. The attendees are listed in the group photo caption.
The review panel unanimously expressed the opinion that the GYES project is in a position to proceed to the preliminary design stage.
The final decision however lies with the CFHT Board of Directors who will decide on the future of GYES during its next meeting.