Date | Orateur | Thème | Bâtiment |
07/10/2016 | Piercarlo Bonifacio | Binarity in CEMP stars | Copernic |
14/10/2016 | Frédéric Arenou | Gaia DR1 validation | Hipparque |
21/10/2016 | Alessandra Mastrobuono Battisti | Nuclear Star Clusters | Copernic |
28/10/2016 | Frédéric Royer | Fast rotators seen pole-on | Hipparque |
04/11/2016 | Elisabetta Caffau | Zn/Fe vs. Fe/H in giants and dwarf stars in the Gaia-ESO-Survey | Copernic |
18/11/2016 | Owain Snaith | The history of stellar metallicity in a simulated disc galaxy | Hipparque |
25/11/2016 | Rosine Lallement | Distance to the North Polar Spur | Copernic |
02/12/2016 | Anthony de la Llave | The orbits of stars in the first Gaia (TGAS) release | Hipparque |
13/01/2017 | Danielle Briot | Histoire des transits planétaires, depuis leur préhistoire jusqu’à leur futur | Copernic |
20/01/2017 | Paola Di Matteo | Can we really recover accreted streams in the Galaxy with kinematics ? | Hipparque |
03/02/2017 | Monique Spite | Observation des étoiles pauvres en métaux dans l’UV lointain avec le HST | Copernic |
10/02/2017 | Piercarlo Bonifacio | Partenariat PSL – Australian National University | Hipparque |
17/02/2017 | Elisabetta Caffau | First Results from Pristine | Copernic |
24/02/2017 | Paola Di Matteo | Before the Bar : Kinematic Detection of a Spheroidal Metal-poor Bulge Component (Kunder et al. 2016, ApJL 821, L25) | Hipparque |
03/03/2017 | Letizia Capitanio | Carte interstellaire en 3D. Nouveaux outils | Copernic |
24/03/2017 | Piercarlo Bonifacio | Potassium abundance in Globular Clusters : constant or not ? | Copernic |
31/03/2017 | Francesca Fragkoudi & Dimitri Gadotti | Stellar feedback from a star-bursting circum-nuclear ring | Hipparque |
21/04/2017 | Sergei Andrievsky | Copernic | |
11/05/2017 | Piercarlo Bonifacio | L’amas ouvert Gaia 1 | Copernic |
13/10/2017 | ZengHua Zhang | Halo brown dwarfs | Copernic |
Les Cafés Science sont organisés tous les vendredis à 13h00 au sein de l’équipe Physique Stellaire et Galactique.